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Are there any side effects of procaine base

By enze September 27th, 2024 50 views
Are there any side effects of procaine base
Procaine base, also known as procaine, as a local anesthetic, although it has a significant anesthetic effect, but there are certain side effects in the process of use. These side effects may vary depending on individual differences, dosage, method of medication, and other factors. The following is a detailed summary of the side effects of procaine base:

First, the nervous system response

Toxic reactions:

Procaine may produce toxic reactions when given in excess doses per unit time or when accidentally intravascular administration occurs. Toxicity can be divided into excitatory type and inhibitory type.

The excitatory type is characterized by mental tension, polygamy, a slight increase in heart rate, and in severe cases, shortness of breath, irritability, elevated blood pressure, cyanosis, and even muscle tremor or convulsion. It can cause respiratory arrest due to spasm of respiratory muscle, arrhythmia due to hypoxia, and eventually lead to respiratory depression cardiac arrest.

The inhibitory type is characterized by apathy, lethargy or loss of consciousness; In severe cases, shallow slow breathing, intermittent breathing, slow pulse, blood pressure drop, and eventually lead to cardiac arrest. Although this type is rare, the consequences are often more serious than the excitatory type.

Second, allergic reactions

Procaine occasionally has allergic reactions, the manifestations of skin itching, erythema, papule, urticaria and other symptoms, severe cases can cause anaphylactic shock.

Some patients may also have hypersensitivity and atopy.

Third, blood system reaction

Procaine occasionally shows methemoglobinemia and causes hypoxia.

Fourth, the reaction of the mental system

There have been reports of reactive psychosis, patients may present with emotional abnormalities, trance and other symptoms.

Fifth, other reactions

Procaine may also cause prolonged lip numbness, tremors or swelling.

Some patients may also have systemic adverse reactions such as dizziness, nausea and drowsiness after the use of procaine. These reactions may be due to the direct stimulatory effects of the drug or individual sensitivity to the drug.

Matters needing attention

Before using procaine, an allergy test should be performed to avoid allergic reactions.

Procaine should not be injected into the blood vessel to avoid serious toxic reactions.

Procaine should be contraindicated in patients with digital and digital block anesthesia and hypertension.

Long-term use hazards

Gastrointestinal discomfort: Long-term use of procaine may affect the stomach and intestines, resulting in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Allergic reactions: Long-term use may increase the risk of allergies, including skin itching, rash, urticaria and other symptoms, in severe cases can cause anaphylactic shock.

Liver discomfort: Long-term use of procaine in large doses may affect liver function, resulting in symptoms such as liver pain.

To sum up, there are some side effects and hazards in the use of procaine base. Therefore, the patient's physical condition and allergy history should be fully understood before use, and the dosage and method of medication should be strictly controlled to ensure that the drug is safe and effective. At the same time, the reaction of patients should be closely observed during use, and possible adverse reactions should be dealt with in time.
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